Yes, You Can Knit and You’ll Love It!
Welcome to the exciting world of knitting! You’re joining a diverse community of knitters who have been knitting up cozy blankets, warm hats, mittens, and more for generations.
If you’ve ever considered learning to knit but wondered if you could succeed, don’t worry. The answer is yes, you can knit, and I’m here to help you get started.
In recent years, a whole new generation of knitters has emerged. Whether they are knitting to express their creativity, reduce their stress levels, or make a statement, more and more people of all ages and demographics have joined in the craft.
Knitting is for everyone
Did you know that knitting offers more benefits than just a relaxing hobby? As you watch the following short video, consider how you might benefit from learning this new skill.
Vive la Révolution (With Knitting)
Knitting isn’t just passive; it’s active. Did you know that knitting has been used as a form of activism for generations? Spend a few minutes reading through the following articles to learn more about the history of activism within the knitting community.
Knitting And Activism: A Brief (Fascinating) History
“From revolutionaries to abolitionists to spies and more, the history of knitting and activism will blow you away.” Read more on
Stitch by stitch, a brief history of knitting and activism
“Recent marches such as the Women’s March on Jan. 21 and the March for Science on Saturday have brought knitting into the international spotlight and lured newcomers to a symbol of activism that dates back hundreds of years.” Read more on
Finding Joy in Giving Back
Many knitters find joy in giving back, and there are numerous ways to get involved. Take a few minutes to read about some of the amazing charities that exist to help others, and consider how you can make a difference.
Pause and Ponder
What are some knitting projects that you would like to try?
How has today’s lesson changed your perception of knitting?
Photo by Genessa Panainte on Unsplash